I enjoyed reading about you guys here: https://www.niemanlab.org/2022/03/a-substack-funded-local-news-publications-founders-talk-candidly-about-how-things-are-going/

It's an incredible experiment in journalism and for Local News you are making!

I am curious how you manage to get such a high conversion rate and don't have lead funnels to efficient get more free subscribers. I've never seen anything like it. As you know, most of us on Substack struggle to get much above the 1-2% mark.

I'm not sure how niche Arizona News might be, but maybe you can try posting in Arizona Subreddits and specific Facebook Groups as well as Twitter specific Arizona tags. Getting a post obviously trending on a place like Hacker News, is clearly a good idea and since you write a bit about politics maybe that's possible.

Anyways you are doing great and it's quite something for some of us to emulate without the benefits you guys have received. That being said, Substack should fund local news projects on a permanent basis, it's too important not to do.

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Hi Michael, I wish I had an answer as to how we're converting at such a high rate because I'd love for others to be able to replicate it. But we really don't quite know. We have a few factors helping us, like that some in our audience who work in politics can expense their subscriptions. And we regularly are pitching in ways that are fun and funny, or so we think (you can see examples in our daily emails). We struggle in expanding the overall size of our audience, though, so your ideas on that are welcome and something we'll look into. Thanks for your kind words and helpful ideas!

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Best of luck Rachel and thanks for sharing some of the data as we all need more case studies to understand the thing better. Yep I did notice you both have amusing ways of phrasing things, it's awesome!

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Um, yeah, I have to agree with that. I just discovered today that I have been a member subscribed to this since April, 2021, and never knew it.

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Rachel, Listened to you on Mike O'Neil's Think Tank. Wish to subscribe but I only write checks. Email me a payee and mailing address and I will subscribe.

Hale Curtis

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Do you accept and review commentary? I write a 4X a week blog. Accurate to over-the-top, sometime angry, often sarcastic. I can promise you this: my blogs are not boring.

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Hi there -- no, not really. We've run a few commentaries over the past year, but it's stuff we've solicited because it fills a gap for us somehow. If you want to pitch us by email, though, with a specific idea, you're certainly welcome to: info@arizonaagenda.com

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Our law firm has an account, we really enjoy this subscription. We somehow have two accounts and would like only one, can you help me? Recently we received a $250 renewal charge on the second subscription.

Rebecca 602-640-9000

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Rachel, I love the AA, and have a suggestion for a cute little post, if it's not too late. The polling place at the Tempe History Museum has taken over an art exhibit there. The only way you can see the exhibit, put together by the Tempe Artists Guild with 40 paintings, is either to be an election worker or to vote. The latest get-out-the-vote strategy???

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I can't seem to find the link to pursue a subscription for a group. I think that is something you were going to start offering?

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Author

OK so I signed up for the 5 email group but have not received a link to put in the email addresses

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Hey Eileen - so sorry about that it should be set to auto send I’ll have to check what’s holding it up. Let me just email you now.

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Hi, you guys, I have been supporting you for the past few months and I really appreciate the work that you do. However, I have left the state and I would like to cancel my monthly donation, but for the life of me cannot figure out figure how to do it because you make it so difficult. Why don’t you put a cancel button on your website it would be very much appreciated by those of us who cancel once in a while anyway, please get back to me with instructions on how to do it because I’m very frustrated thank you Nigel cushing CUSHLAZA 1@gmail.com or you can call me at 509-885-7565. Please do it today.

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Hi Nigel, if you're logged in to your account on Substack (which you would be to make a comment), just follow these steps: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037489252-How-do-I-cancel-my-paid-subscription- The cancel button is in your settings, and each email also includes links to unsubscribe at the bottom.

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Hi Nigel, Thanks for your support! I've canceled your subscription for you. Best of luck in your next state!

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