So how much like BARBIE are you?

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Not much. I'm pretty sentient, but I loved the movie!

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During the legislative session in 2022, Rep. Nguyen (R - Dist. 1 in Prescott, a member of Oath Keepers - yes, that Oath Keepers of January 6th insurrection infamy) was chair of the House Judiciary Committee. He refused to put on the Judiciary Committee’s agenda for hearing any bill whose primary sponsor was not a Republican, even if the bill had bipartisan co-sponsors. Will Rep. Nguyen be chairing that committee again? If so, will he repeat this anti-democratic procedural policy? Why does he reject having bills heard in committee? Why reject bipartisanship by not hearing bills co-sponsored by both Democrats and Republicans? Is this anti-democratic policy one that is part of Oath Keepers’ strategy?

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Great suggestion!

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Yes, I think we really need to keep calling out the fact that the R’s will not listen to any bill with a Dem attached to it. Miraculously, Stacey Travers in my district was able to get a bill passed in support of veterans. But I am thoroughly disgusted with my needs as a constituent being ignored because of these jerks!

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Welcome Nicole.

I'm happy to see your enthusiasm.

Let me give one one tiny observation. There is a distinct lack of professionalism in speech across the professions. I almost didn't continue reading your introduction at the "b*tch slapping." I'm a professional and I want to save that language for "out of the office" situations if at all. When I see language like that, no matter how many "***", I immediately retreat and turn off because it is vulgar, distracting, and worse, it makes me think the writer must have little to offer of substance.

I very much want to read what you have to say. I believe in the important work the Arizona Agenda is doing in keeping the public abreast of political shenanigans; the good, the bad, and the ugly. I truly look forward to welcoming you to Arizona. Get lot's of sunblock, work hard, and write like crazy!

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Thanks for the feedback!

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I am interested in the state legislature and coverage of how legislators develop bills that they submit. Many red state legislators use ALEC so more coverage of that organization and other think tanks that write legislation would be great. Also profiles of lobbyists and how they operate would be a good thing as well as profiles of chairs of powerful committees. Thanks

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Excellent recommendation. The good thing about being somewhat of a newcomer is that I'm gradually acquiring knowledge about these subjects in real-time. I think that makes for great reporting. I'm learning with you!

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I’d like a sharp eye on what will happen to the AZ fake electors, including the role Gosar and Biggs played. I want justice! I understand Kris Mayes has started to dive into this. But it sickens me that Gosar and Biggs walk freely in our governmental institutions.

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AND Anthony Kern!!

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Oh, yes! Of course!

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Thanks for the comment! I'm sure this will be a continuing thread throughout our upcoming coverage.

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“Arizona” Agenda should include more in-depth learner coverage about Pinal and other outlying counties that impact Arizona’s public policy agenda. The rural areas of today have forgotten that their foundational assets were developed under progressive federal programs — energy, water, roads, communication, recreation, development and conservation of natural resources.

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Good point. I've spent the last three years in Pima County and have learned how important (though ill-covered) more rural constituencies are to the big picture.

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Much of AZ’s proposed growth will have to come through Pinal County. At present, the GOP dominates every county-wide elected office. That means over 40% of Pinal voters lack true representation. Progressive policies are ignored and working families get short shrift.

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Kaz and I agree - also Pinal is the fastest growing county in AZ and home to a "constitutional sheriff" who is running for the U.S. Senate.

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And a spotlight on all those who are working to get abortion rights into our AZ constitution. It’s gonna happen! Lots of people are collecting signatures, myself included. Honestly, I think this is the biggest story.

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Welcome Nicole! While I like a longform feature once in while, I really like the shorter explainers and local district updates - especially from my district! For election stuff, I'm not interested in polls. I prefer to hear about what the candidates have accomplished (or not) in the past and what their plans for Arizona are.

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Thanks Rosanne. I'll keep this in mind!

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Hey Nicole…welcome to the Agenda! Keep hard hitting ESA coverage coming. I can’t believe what the program is getting away with! Are ANY students of color taking advantage of them? And where does the AZ legislature stand on gun responsibility (control is soooo triggering-pun intended)?

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Great suggestions. I'm hoping more data will come out on this that we can dive into in the future.

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Agree with this as well! We need to keep calling out the ridiculous spending and how abused the voucher system is.

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Hi Nicole! Welcome! I wanted to pass along some informstion regarding $5-6 million dollars of unaccounted for expenditures in the Maricopa County Superintendent of Schools Office. Where would the best place be to do that? Thank you!

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You can reach me at nicole@arizonaagenda.com. Thanks!

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Thank you!

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Tempe is in the throes of some serious questions about its leadership. I’d like to see the Arizona agenda dig into this a bit. There is the Tatum story of a friend who needed a job and produced nothing very definitive when he was given one without public review. There is the coyotes fiasco, and there is a lot of fake polling going on to reassure people that their leaders are listening to them, which they aren’t.

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I'm somewhat of a pro on local government shenanigans. Would love to dig into this. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Hi Nicole,

I agree with importance of Pinal County. Still largely ignored. A deep dive into a vortex community like Oracle and the political realities of ambitious sheriffs (Babeu, Lamb) would make enlightening reading. BTW have a look at frankpierson.substack.com for local context.

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Thanks, Frank! I will certainly look into this.

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You might want to read my recently published book mostly about community organizing in AZ and Oracle: Sometimes David Wins- Organizing to Overcome Fated Outcomes. It's pretty good and ties together AZ, Oracle, and the West. (Yeah, on Amazon).

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As we approach the 2024 elections, please research and report on Independent voters. This group is often overlooked, yet they often are the deciding factor in close elections. Would be interesting to understand which issues are most important to them, and which candidates are likely to gain their support. If Sinema runs as an Independent, this will make the conversation even more interesting.

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I agree. SO important to look at this for the upcoming election. Thanks!

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Please elaborate on what the term “fake electors” means as mentioned by Suzanne Whitaker and that she wants “justice.”

I’d also like to see comments kept to a professional level like Lb commented! Those who need to resort to insults, labels and name calling as in using the word “jerks” merely show their own weakness and inability to communicate professionally!

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Congrats on your new work with AZ Agenda. I look forward to your articles, and appreciated your work at the Star. It would be good if AZ Agenda took on the major issue of global heating to a much higher commitment than the Star has (at least so far).

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Thank you! I'll keep this in mind.

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Lee Enterprises no longer owns the Flagstaff Daily Sun....

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lol oh yeah I didn't even think about that they had previously owned the flagstaff paper! i was just making jokes about my experience with their ads in general

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