Tell us about yourself!
We have no clue who reads this ... But there are a lot you! ... It'll only take a moment.
Hey readers,
We warned you last week that we’re not publishing today so we can recoup from our long weekend of meetings in Tucson. We’ll be back in your inboxes bright and early tomorrow!
But since you have a few minutes to spare and no Agenda to read, can you do us a favor?
Unlike many news organizations, we don’t collect or sell your data. Which is cool!
Unfortunately, that means we have no idea who is reading this thing, what they want from us, or what they like and don’t like…
Can you help us out by taking a quick survey?
It’ll only take a minute and it’ll help us build a better Agenda. Answer only the questions you’re comfortable answering.
Please add a category for RETIRED - not everyone who reads the agenda is still in the workforce
Link doesn't work.