Thanks to AZ Agenda (and Tucson Agenda) for your great efforts to keep local journalism alive. I am willing and happy to subscribe. People need to ask themselves “Where else would they get their information on their community?”

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Since comments are no longer allowed on AZ Central...this is it. Comments are important. This is the most important election cycle in my lifetime. All hands on deck.

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There are only so many hours in the day- and I want to be an informed citizen. Watching local TV news hardly gives you any in depth coverage- they would rather report car accidents... and the Republic is somewhat adequate, but not comprehensive. The Agenda gives me more information about behind-the scenes workings, helps me understand how the state legislature actually works, who is who and who did what before. All in 5-10 minutes. It is worth the money.

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As a former reporter, I do appreciate local journalism. However,I do not appreciate being told a subscription would be 30% off today, then being charged full rate.

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I would add that as a former reporter, I am, of course, not rich. I wanted to support local journalism so I paid for a subscription today based on the representation that it was 30% off. I was charged to full $120 rate. All the good will he built up went out the window. I can no longer trust this journalism but I’m stuck with the subscriber the next year

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Hey Jace - I’m sorry about this. If you clicked one of the buttons here it should have given you the discount link. We’re of course happy to refund you the difference. But it shows up on our side as charging you $84? I also sent you an email. Reply and we’ll get it sorted out. Thanks for your support!

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You’re a good guy Hank!

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I did not receive an email from you. I even checked my spam filter. My credit card charge was for $120. I would appreciate a refund of the difference between the advertised cost and my charge.

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I heard about the Arizona Agenda when they first came on line a couple of years ago. Sunday Square Off (12 News with Brahm Resnick) had one of them on reporting on the legislature. I had read both Hank and Rachel when they were with the Arizona Republic. I’d admired their reporting so I signed up. Have hardly missed an issue and have sent links to many friends along with a gift subscription to my son. As my dad used to say, “you get what you pay for,” this is worth it. Stop buying over priced coffee and gain knowledge that may change your life!

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The Agenda is must read for everyone at the Az Capitol.

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So Dewitt tells Lake that the people Back East want her to drop out because she's unelectable, fair enough, but who do you think they were going to have jump in instead? Surely the powers that be weren't planning on putting their support behind Lamb, but judging by their past mistakes I wouldn't put it past them...maybe Arpaio!

And, sorry for calling you Shirley.

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I used this space to complain about a subscription rate snafu (because I couldn’t find a private email) so I will use this space again to say that Hank promptly addressed the issue and made it right. Trust restored, and thank you Hank.

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This paywall concerns me. I pay the $12, but I recently saw a countdown to paywall that quotes $948 for an individual! If that happens on my card you can count on a dispute and back charge!

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